Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lazy Haiku.

Inspired by Girl Parker's Haiku Fridays, I bring you my day thus far:

Laundry completed
but posterior still grows
I should exercise.

Coffee cup empty,
motivation still hiding
why so elusive?

Internet siren
draws me in with funny blogs
my own pages blank.

Need ejector chair
not comfy swivel seating
propelling me on...

Sitting continues
greater catalyst desired
brew another cup.


  1. It's Poetry, baby!!!!! And believe me, my inspiration comes from Trader Joe's Bay Blend.

  2. Paid to sit for hours
    Posterior suffers too
    treadmill in office?

  3. I know of a fellow who's built a desk around a treadmill. He works from a home office and walks while working.

  4. olive oil, citrus
    thanks for the link that you sent
    will try soon, wife says
    --J & S in Tucson
